Store Manager
I prefer to work with people. I like solving problems and helping others solve problems. I like paying attention to detail and following a set of guidelines. I like having a clear set of duties, but I can also think outside of the box. I enjoy talking to people and have great communication skills.
Early on
I enjoy to work with a set processes and procedures. I like to learn techniques and skills that will make me effective at my task while offering insight into new ideas or ways to make processes better. I communicate well with my coworkers and customers. I help problem solve by utilizing the support systems around me.
In My Position
I have happily returning customers. My employees are grateful for my input and suggestions. I have been helping to support my employees and increasing the productivity in my store. I am collaborating with colleagues in my same position to come up with solutions to problems. I work effectively and efficiently with my managers and am looking for opportunities to advance in my position and career.